instanZ consists of a torch-based library for computing analytic reassignment spectrograms, together with a handy lightweight sonogram viewer, running on Pytorch. It can be found in the Lab’s github repository.
The app features both STFT sonograms as well as analytic reassignment.
The library of analytic reassigment has both frequency stride and time stride algorithms. It is based on the analytic reassignment framework (instantaneous time-instantaneous frequency) derived in Timothy Gardner and Marcelo Magnasco, Sparse time-frequency representations, PNAS 2006.
The analytic reassignment function is implemented entirely in torch parallel tensor calls. There are no loops in the code.
Analytic reassignement works by noting that, defining a complex variable to have time as the real part and frequency as the imaginary part, correctly scaled by a bandwidth as
, then the integral
is an analytic function of . Furthermore, defining the STFT over a Gaussian window and over a derivative of a Gaussian,
so up to a factor the STFT is also analytic, and defining
where is the instantaneous time and the instantaneous frequency, we get
where is complex conjugation.
The instanZ code is based on computing (hence the name! haha) using this expression directly. Both stfts are computed in torch by unfolding the input signal into overlapping snippets with torch.unfold, windowing and ffting in parallel, and then creating the 2D histogram.
The instanZ library has the following interface:
The app
The app is a self-contained Python program with user interface in Tkinter. It supports opening a variety of soundfiles supported in TorchAudio, plus movies (from which only the audio tracks is examined), through (a) command line argument (b) file menu “open” (c) drag-and-drop anywhere.